What to play, what to play on this very special day.
He's coming, he's coming, he's coming to watch me play.
He will sit right there front row, center.
What to play for the Great Tormentor?
Bach, Beethoven, Mozart or maybe an original?
What do I play, maybe something spiritual?
What to play, what glorious composition?
Tis the life of the Devil's Musician.
No matter what I choose, no matter what I play,
My final performance could be this very day.
How thrilling could it be, oh the glory,
To make him smile and enjoy my symphony.
If I could regal him with works of my own,
Bring him joy as he sits upon his throne.
With my music, upon him I could cast as spell.
I would be revered throughout all of Hell.
If I fail tis torture and death for me.
If fail to make him happy.
Everything hinges upon this decision.
Tis the life of the Devil’s musician.
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